I was invited to present my hand painted scarves and custom dresses in Slovak Television's RTVS "Ladies club" (Dámsky klub) (at about 1:03:50) I am honored and grateful for the opportunity to share my art with such a wide audience, a big thanks to the team of Slovak Television and...
Interview for Aktuality.sk
Thanks to one of major slovak news portals - aktuality.sk for the interview and good questions! Slovenka vyrába šatky zo špeciálneho hodvábu
Interview for Startitup.sk
Thanks to one of Slovakia's leading blogs - startup portal Startitup.sk for this interview: https://www.startitup.sk/slovenska-rucne-dizajnuje-unikatne-satky-z-hodvabu-ziskaneho-netradicnou-cestou/
Interview for Košice: Dnes – ARTbubbleSilk silk scarves
Or watch the original at TV Košice:Dnes.