What is Ahimsa silk?
Ahimsa – respect for all living things and avoidance of violence towards others.
Ahimsa or peace silk is based on ahimsa principles and therefore doesn’t harm the silk worm that produces
the silk. Standard silk is harvested by boiling unhatched coccoons to kill the worms inside and extract the silk. Ahimsa silk lets the worm hatch into a moth before the silk is collected.
I use ahimsa silk from India – from the founder of ahimsa silk, Mr. Kusuma Rajaiah, who patented this approach. At his farm, the silk is extracted by hand using environment friendly processes.
Aside from more environment friendly and sustainable production process, it is also supporting local families and workers in India.
The spinning process takes around two months and weaving another month as it is skillfully crafted by skilled workers hands.
Check out these documentaries to find out more about the differences of standard silk and ahimsa silk: